architecture / art / design


If the 19th century Industrial Revolution is about inventing new technologies, the 21st century is the digital and informative age, then the future of our society is shifting towards collectively sharing our resources. We have come to realize that we build, make, and consume way too many things for our needs. Does each family have … Continue reading

A Handshake
architecture / design / history

A Handshake

“To know the door handle is to know mankind” – Noam Chomsky “The door handle is the handshake to the building” – Juhani Pallasmaa Door handle is a device attached to a door – separating two spaces – to provide security as well as accessibility. Prior to its invention, people used to live, eat, sleep, bathe and dispose in one big room. Later on, woven hangings … Continue reading

art / design / history


You might have driven past the arrow sign on the road thousand of times without knowing that the principle behind its graphic was once used by Renaissance men like Leonardo Da Vinci, Donatello etc. The term is anamorphosis – a distorted projection or perspective requiring the viewer to use special devices or occupy a specific vantage point to reconstitute the image. … Continue reading